Infertility, in the Ayurvedic way
What is infertility?
Infertility is the failure to get pregnant even after frequent unprotected sex for over a year. It can be either of the partner’s problems that prevent them from getting pregnant. The most common feature of infertility is the absence of a menstrual cycle or irregular menstruation.
Do I need to see a doctor?
- It is very essential to see a doctor, especially for females if you are 35 or 40 years or older & trying to conceive for more than 6 months or over a year.
- Have irregular/painful or absent periods
- Have other fertility problems
- Have endometriosis or pelvic Inflammatory disease.
- Have miscarriages

Male causes of Infertility
- Abnormal production of sperm& the functions
- Issues with sperm delivery
- Cancer-related treatments
- Drug abuse, alcohol, hypertension
Female causes
- Ovulatory issues
- Uterine or cervical abnormalities
- Endometriosis
- Fallopian tubal blockage
- There are certain risk factors like alcoholism, drug abuse, overweight, tobacco use, underweight, and exercise .
Ayurveda perspective
Ayurveda aims at Dosha, dushya & lifestyle management for the management of infertility in a very effective way. In ayurveda infertility is referred to as Vandhya, Apraja, Sapraja.
Vandhya means completely sterile, incurable
Apraja means the person is not sterile & can be curable.
Sapraja means already having children during the fertile period& becomes difficult to get pregnant later.
Infertility can be broadly analyzed primarily by its causative factors like stress, improper diet, emotional imbalances, and improper physical activity (either excessive or sedentary lifestyle). The menstrual cycle is a major indicator of a healthy reproductive female life.
So, when it comes to the management of infertility in Ayurveda, lifestyle, as well as diet modification, plays a pivotal role. Fertility is always related to the proper transformation of dhathus or dhathu parinama. The end product of dhathus is the ojas. So obviously the diet, as well as food habits that promote the ojas or nourishing, can be chosen. As far as female infertility is concerned, it is very important to regulate ovulation & promote fertilization. Eating whole foods that are rich in fiber is extremely important. The fiber in the diet improves the metabolism, it also influences the hormonal functions & restores the normal health. This healthy practice should be made a routine for better results.
There are some specific Ayurveda medications for infertility in general
- Ashwagandha choornm & Kapikachu– They promote the quantity as well as the quality of sperm & ovum
- Phala ghritham is well known for the treatment of female infertility. It is very nourishing & effective in treating functional & structural abnormalities
- Guduchi, thriphala choorna & gookshura prevent any blockage in the channels & enhance the circulation of dhathus, especially the sukra-arthava dhathus
- Shathavari is well known for its reproductive, blood purifying & nourishing actions.
- Yoga is another intervention that is highly found effective in infertility
- Sarvangasana– The shoulder stand pose is very much recommended; it boosts the body’s metabolism by enhancing the venous drainage & release body toxins
- Paschimottanasana– This pose is generally concentrated in the hip region & it enhances the functions of the uterus as the allied organs
- Pranayama– As the name suggests, it controls the functions of prana & promotes the normal functions of Apana Vata. This has a wide range of applications during childbirth also.
There are also references like
nashtartava– Masha, kulatha, dadhi, takra,
Artava kshaya– Agneya or hot potent drugs are indicated. Panchakarma is also done in certain cases
Arajaska– Jeevaniya gana with milk, pitta shodhaka treatment with shathavari ghrita, vasa ghrita
Astaartava dushti– Panchakarma s with poorva karmas are indicated
Rasayana chikitsa with chyavana prasa or shilajathu rasayana is recommended
Some immune booster drugs like brihathi, yashtimadhu, gokshura, Chandana, usira, are used.
Dos, Pathya
- Eat freshly prepared, food with good nutrients & fiber
- Drink adequate fluids
- Physical activity is mandatory
- Maintain good menstrual as well as sexual hygiene
- Sleep early, practice some yoga or pranayama or meditation according to your comfort
Don’t, Apathya
- Reduce processed foods like sausage, frozen, tinned/canned foods
- Avoid artificially flavored drinks & soda drinks
- Avoid too much physical & mental stress
- Don’t rely too much on restaurant cooked foods
- Limit junk food consumption like burgers, pizzas, or fried meats
Infertility can be managed wisely by proper lifestyle modifications including the diet & regimen. Treatment varies from person t person, as the causes are also diverse. It is always best to consult an expert before taking any treatment even if it is natural or herb based. All interventions have to be strictly made under the supervision of a doctor. Then it is safe & gives faster results with no complications.