Acne is a common skin disorder among teenagers & occurs in people of all ages. The hair follicles in the skin become clogged with dead skin & oil thus produces whiteheads, blackheads & pimples. Sometimes acne can be persistent even though there are treatments available. The rashes as well as the pimple gradually disappear but reappears also. Acne in severe cases can create a lot of emotional stress & even cause skin scars. It is always recommended to start the treatment earlier to lower the possible risk of scars and marks. Ayurvedic treatment of pimple always gives an ultimate solution.
The acne mostly occurs in the forehead, chest, face, upper back & shoulders. These areas contain more oil-secreting glands. The sebaceous glands are connected to the hair follicles.
Red tender irregularities which are small-papules
Papules with pus on the tip.
Solid nodules which are painful
Painful, pus-filled lumps.
Excessive fat secretion from the body
Clogging of accumulated dirt & oil in the hair follicles
hormonal imbalance
Risk factors
Age, hormonal imbalances & family background play a major role. Usually, teenage, puberty, pregnancy& family history has to be considered during the treatment of Acne. Certain medications that contain corticosteroids, & lithium can trigger acne. Also, stress & related mental disturbances can worsen acne.
Individuals with darker complexions will have more profound scars & marks than others. After the disappearance of acne, the area either remains hyperpigmented or hypopigmented. Pitted skin & keloids last even longer.
Ayurveda perspective
Acne vulgaris is referred to as yuvana pidaka, it is described as a natural phenomenon that occurs during adolescence. It is also referred to as kshudra spotaka, vayas sphotaka by Ayurveda acharyas.It is quite an irritating & annoying skin problem in all age groups & genders. It is caused due to the Vata, Kapha,Meda & raktha dushti. Sometimes we refer them as Mukhadushika they are quite different from yuvan pidika. The causative factors include high oily foods, high consumption of meat & sweet desserts. Mental factors such as stress, anxiety, also trigger the onset of acne. Along with Vata, Kapha, raktha, & medho dhathu undergoes vitiation. The dhathu Agni becomes affected & there will be blockage of fat in the hair follicles. This gives rise to Acne.
Skin massage for enabling circulation & removal of accumulated waste
Wash face with warm water
Reverse powder massage or udwarthana, to mobilize the fat(don’t do when there is inflammation)
Drink adequate fluids for proper excretion of accumulated toxins.
Consume low-fat meat
Excess use of oily creams or lotions
Maintain good skin hygiene by cleansing regularly
Avoid pressure on skin surfaces
Ayurvedic treatment for acne or pimple involves external detoxification as well as internal detox. External purification involves massaging & applying lepas or paste. Manjishtadi choornam with milk, eladi gana choornam in coconut milk, & kumkumai tailam is found very effective. Also, skin massage reduces Vata & Kapha vitiation. It promotes skin tone & slows the aging process of the skin.
Panchkarma therapies are used in chronic cases of Acne. Vamana or emesis therapy helps to eliminate the vitiated Kapha dosha. Nasya with suitable taila is also advised as acne occurs in the upper segment of the body. bloodletting therapy i.e Raktamokshana is always recommended.
Internally medications are advised for shaman therapy includes –
blood purification
correcting digestion issue
stress management
cure of hormonal imbalance
Blood purifying herbs & complexion-enhancing herbs are best recommended in the treatment of Acne. Sariva, manjishta, nimba, & haridra are some of the popular herbs that are found very effective. Maha tikataka ghritam, & nimbadi choornam is very much advised in acne.
Acne is prevalent from the Vedic period itself. Due to modernization changing lifestyle, food habits, changing sleep patterns, there is more incidence of acne. Proper nutrition & sleep play a vital role in the health of the skin. Stress management can be done through the practice of pranayama. By combining the internal as well as external therapies we can control acne very effectively all above include in the ayurvedic treatment for acne.